Contributing to Mozilla Help Articles

Recently, I’ve contributed to these two articles on Mozilla Support (SUMO):

Uninstall Firefox from your computer


This article had not been updated for Windows 11.


The first step to writing this article was to uninstall Firefox on my device running Windows 11 and record each step of my process. I used OneNote to make a note of each step taken.


The process turned out to be fairly similar to the process to uninstall on Windows 10. The next step was therefore to figure out how many of the existing Windows 10 instructions could be kept and how many should be modified for Windows 11. The major difference between uninstalling a program in Windows 10 and 11 is navigating to the uninstall button. The rest of the process is identical, so I decided to only rewrite the navigation instructions and leave the rest the same.

Watch DRM content on Firefox


The article lacked a troubleshooting section. Many users have a problem where DRM-protected content on sites like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu will not work in Firefox. These users had no clear instructions to fix this.


First, I needed to find all possible solutions when DRM content would not work in Firefox. To do this, I made a list of solutions suggested in the contributor discussion threads of the article. I also performed a search in the forums for users having similar problems. In OneNote, I created a list of all solutions I’d found. Finally, I posted my list in the discussion thread to ask if other contributors had any additional solutions.

I also tested each solution to make sure they all worked on my device and noted each step I took.


This process using all the information I had gathered when researching and organizing it in the article. I created a header for each possible solution. To avoid redundant information, I used links to refer back to previous sections of the article, and a link to an external website that explained how to disable software that sometimes interferes with DRM content in Firefox.