Dupe Checker Guide (Anonymized)




Candidate Relationship Management software (CRM)


Applicant Portal (AP)

LinkedIn Recruiter

Engagement Guidelines (EGs)


Using Quip

Dupe Checking Workflow

Checking for Profile in Applicant Portal

Using HireEZ to find an email address

Checking for CRM profile from email address

Checking for CRM profile from LinkedIn page using the CRM extension

Checking for CRM profile from LinkedIn page using Boolean Search

Checking Recycle Cool-Off and EG status

Handling Duplicate AP Profiles


This is a manual made in my previous recruiting job as a reference for new recruiters. Dupe checking is the process of checking our internal HR systems to find candidates who have multiple profiles.

This version of the manual is a work sample. I have deleted any sensitive information, including links and screenshots. Anything that was supposed to have a link in the original version is written in blue and underlined. The original document also contained a cheat sheet for reference on EG statuses.


Candidate Relationship Management software (CRM)

The CRM is a tool that allows recruiters and dupe checkers to see if a candidate is currently engaged with another recruiter.


HireEZ is a recruiting platform with an extension that helps recruiters and dupe checkers find candidate emails when they are not listed on candidate profiles.

Applicant Portal (AP)

The Applicant Portal (AP) is a proprietary site that allows applicants to view and apply for jobs and for recruiters and hiring managers to manage applicants. It stores the names, emails, resumes, and addresses of any candidate that has applied to ABC Company.

LinkedIn Recruiter

LinkedIn Recruiter provides dupe checkers with access to the back end of candidates’ LinkedIn profiles. Dupe Checkers can leave notes, add candidates to specific projects, reach out to candidates, etc.

Engagement Guidelines (EGs)

Engagement guidelines are the rules on which recruiter is allowed to engage with a candidate. See the EG Wiki article.


Quip is a program like Excel or Google Sheets to help you organize candidates’ eligibility. The dupe checker can make different Quip sheets that they share with recruiters and add notes for each candidate within each project.

Using Quip

One of the easiest ways to organize candidates on Quip is to create a doc for recruiters that you often work with, and make different sheets in the Quip doc for each individual project you have with that recruiter. Things to include in the Quip that may be helpful when organizing projects are:

  • Candidate Name
  • Candidate LinkedIn
  • Candidate Email
  • Candidate AP/CRM Link
  • If the Candidate is/is not eligible
  • Any additional notes

Dupe Checking Workflow

My Image

Checking for Profile in Applicant Portal

  1. Open the candidate’s LinkedIn Recruiter Page.
  2. Copy their name (or email if provided) into the AP search bar. You can also use HireEZ to find the candidate’s email if you are having a hard time finding them in the applicant portal (see “Using HireEZ to find and email address”)
  3. Look through the search results to find a profile that matches the search. There may be more than one.
  4. Open the profile and scroll down to the candidate’s uploaded resume.
  5. Open the resume and scan it, then go to the candidate LinkedIn page and compare their LinkedIn to the resume to verify that the AP profile matches the LinkedIn.

This step verifies that a candidate’s profile exists in AP. If the profile exists, check for duplicate AP profiles. If not, check to see if they have a CRM profile.

Using HireEZ to find an email address

  1. Click the HireEZ extension while you have the candidate’s LinkedIn profile open. You must already be logged in to HireEZ.
  2. If an email address exists in HireEZ, you will see it under the candidate’s contact info section.

Checking for CRM profile from email address

  1. Enter the email into the Quick Search in the CRM. The candidate’s profile should appear right under the search bar if the profile exists and contains that email address.

Checking for CRM profile from LinkedIn page using the CRM extension

  1. Ensure you have the CRM extension installed in your browser.
  2. Log into the CRM.
  3. Open the candidate’s LinkedIn profile. You can open it in LinkedIn Recruiter or in the main LinkedIn site.
  4. Open the CRM extension. If a candidate’s profile exists, it should appear in the pane on the right.
  5. Click “Full Profile” to open the profile in the CRM.
  6. Confirm that the information in The CRM matches the information on the candidate’s LinkedIn.

Note : This method is fast, but does not always work properly. Sometimes CRM profiles will be linked to the incorrect LinkedIn profiles. This may cause the extension to direct you to the incorrect profile. Always check manually to make sure the profile is correct.

  1. Enter the candidate’s name into the “Full Name” field.
  2. Enter the candidate’s current employer into “Primary Company”
  3. Enter the candidate’s location or previous locations into “Location”
  4. If there is no profile that clearly belongs to the candidate, you may create a new profile for them. Be sure to exhaust all other options before doing this.

Checking Recycle Cool-Off and EG status

  1. In the applicant portal, click the “View All Feedback” button on the top right side of the screen. Check the feedback to make sure that the candidate is NOT in a cool-off period (refer to section 4: Candidate Eligibility “Cheat Sheet” for breakdown of eligibility).
  2. If the candidate is not in cool-off, open their CRM link (hyperlinked under “CRM Status” on the upper middle part of the applicant portal page) and check the candidate’s Global Status.
  3. If the candidate is available (see the bottom of section 4), write “RO” or “ro”, “Reach Out”, etc. in their timeline (this indicates to other recruiters that you are actively engaging with the candidate), and make sure to add the recruiter’s name under the “Prospect Engaged By” box, and change the “Global Status” to engaged unless told otherwise by the recruiter/hiring manager to use a different label.
  4. If you are using a Quip/note taker, go back to it and make note of the candidate’s email, profile links, if they were/were not eligible, and provide any additional notes that might be beneficial to the recruiter/hiring manager.
  5. If you are working in a LinkedIn project, go to the project page and move the candidate to the appropriate folder once they have been dupe checked (i.e. HM Review, Screened, Future Prospect, Do Not Contact, etc.)

Handling Duplicate AP Profiles

  1. AP can now automatically detect possible duplicates. You will see a message on screen when this happens. Click all the possible duplicates and check their resumes to confirm they are duplicates.
  2. If the profiles are duplicates, open the CRM profiles associated with all duplicate profiles
  3. Write a note in the Summary section of both CRM profiles indicating that there are duplicate AP profiles with links to both profiles
  4. Continue to dupe check both profiles as normal. If both profiles are available, you may engage with the candidate. If one profile is not available, do not engage either profile.

More info on AP duplicates